Ten Years After Japan Earthquake & Tsunami in 2011.

Ten Years After Japan Earthquake & Tsunami in 2011.

Masaki Seike

It's been ten years since we posted this video after 3.11 Earthqukate and tsunami hit the eastern part of Japan which caused the Fukushima Nuclear Incident in 2011. Let us repost this video again to commemorate the lost ones and how Tokusatsu community aroung the world extended thier hands to Japan. 

Many things happnened since then. And even more challenges are here to stay with us. But let's not forget, we go through together. Side by side, no matter where you are. 

Masaki Seike 


#東日本大震災 #japanearthquate #japantsunami #superherotime #donation #tokusatsucommunity #cstoys

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