Meet Your Toku Friends from Around the World

Meet Your Toku Friends from Around the World

The Tokusatsu Community continues to grow each and every year in ways we never thought possible. Without this community, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We like to personally thank each and every fan in this community for helping us to where we are. This page serves as a gateway to the amazing sites and people involved in this fantastic community.

We would also like to thank Mr. Wakafuji for his continued support to our store. Mr. Wakafuji owns the “Wakafuji Collection”. This is the largest collection of Tokusatsu & Animé toys in the world, located in our city of Matsuyama. Be sure to check out his page!

Finally we urge everyone to check out FM Gaiya! FM Gaiya is a local radio station of Uwajima, Ehime, Japan. They are kind enough to let us host our new radio show, Uwajima World Link! We upload that week’s show onto our YouTube Channel, so be sure to check us out on YouTube to see what UWL is all about.




Original Adventure Story

  • Paint the World (Written by Thomas Malt, aka MallaWallaZoom, CSTOYS Chat Moderator) 
    • The mundane life of 16-year-old Alex Matthews is turned upside-down when a mysterious package reveals a whole new side to the world. With new friends and a menagerie of bizarre threats to face, a colourful new adventure is just beginning. Follow the young heroes' journey through text chapters and music in this exciting 90's-set multimedia project.

    Japanese Local Heroes

    • Bakishin Riser RYU(破牙神ライザー龍)
      • Ryu Project was started with one phone call from a local man living near the coastline of Miyagi Pref. where the Earthquake and Tsunami left its tremendous damages in 2011. Children suffered from the earthquake staying at shelters wanted to meet a hero, a true hero that comes to them and help them. Non Profit Organization "HERO" was then organized and created their original local hero, Bakishin Riser RYU based on their local mythology in the area. Debuted in Oct. 2011, Bakishin Riser RYU has done over 300 shows visiting local nurseries and shelters where he is needed for the children and passing them his message, "Never ever give up and rise yourself again no matter what." 
      • Wikipedhia (Japanese) 
      • Theme Song (Youtube) : Bakishin Riser RYU by Miyauchi Takayuki


      Do you think a site, blog, or podcast needs to be here? Let us know via e-mail!

        Summon Your Contributions!

        We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the list at our Discord channel HERE. Thank you!