Q: What food is popular in your country? / あなたの国ではどんな食べ物が人気ですか?
Masaki SeikeShare
The Question is from: かい (Kai)
The answer from Andrew711 (US):
We have a lot of favorites that vary from person to person, like some people would eat either hot dogs or burgers at barbecues and picnics. But, I would have to say Pizza is one of our favorite foods here in the US.
- Quotes of Pizza:
- "Pizza is not a 'trend' it's a way of life" - Anonymous
"ピザは「トレンド」ではなく、生き方です。" - 氏名不詳 - "You can't make everyone happy. You're not pizza." - Anonymous
"ピザじゃないんだから、みんなを幸せにすることはできないよ。" - 氏名不詳
The answer from Char350 (Dallas, US):
America has a diverse food culture, so if we focus more specifically to my region (Dallas, Texas), Texas style barbecue comes to mind. I am originally from Hong Kong, so some popular Hong Kong food include: wonton noodles, "bubble" egg waffles, and Hong Kong style milk tea (made with ceylon tea leaves and evaporated milk).

The answer from Dane Beninger (CANADA):
A popular food up in Canada is poutine, basically it's french fries smothered in gravy, melted cheese and cheese curds. I've seen some places offer different variations of this delicacy, I've seen pulled pork poutine, butter chicken poutine, one place has both shrimp poutine AND lobster poutine (I haven't had it yet, but I'm intrigued). One place offered a poutine but instead of french fries, they put it on a hot dog - you can't go to Canada and not try poutine.
This page is solely created for "Uwajima World Link," Office Seike's weekly FM radio program on Wednesdays, 1:00 PM- 1:55 PM JST, broadcasting from Uwajima City, located in the southern part of Ehime Prefecture, Japan.
The questions we present here are from students from Ehime Pref. Uwajima Minami Secondary School in Uwajima City. They are eager to learn English & various cultures out there in the world.
We, Office Seike, strongly believe learning other languages and cultures brings broader perspectives and hints to local cities like our hometown Uwajima. Also, it helps us discover and appreciate our unique traditions and rich local cultures. We sincerely hope your answers to these students' questions inspire them, guide them, and let them be interested in you and your cultures.
Please leave us your comments and answers from below.
Thank you in advance.
Masaki Seike, Director.
in case of France i could say some well know one such as “the boeuf bourguignon” and " pot au feu" and many more. but it mostly depend on the region. for exemple if you love cheese. potatoes and ham. when coming in mountain region, then the “Raclette” is made for you. a good hot potato covered with melted cheese and a slice of ham. during winter is so good.
We have a lot of favorites that vary from person to person, like some people would eat either hot dogs or burgers at barbecues and picnics. But, I would have to say Pizza is one of our favorite foods here in the US.
America has a diverse food culture, so if we focus more specifically to my region (Dallas, Texas), Texas style barbecue comes to mind.
I am originally from Hong Kong, so some popular Hong Kong food include: wonton noodles, “bubble” egg waffles, and Hong Kong style milk tea (made with ceylon tea leaves and evaporated milk).
A popular food up in Canada is poutine, basically it’s french fries smothered in gravy, melted cheese and cheese curds. I’ve seen some places offer different variations of this delicacy, I’ve seen pulled pork poutine, butter chicken poutine, one place has both shrimp poutine AND lobster poutine (I haven’t had it yet, but I’m intrigued). One place offered a poutine but instead of french fries, they put it on a hot dog – you can’t go to Canada and not try poutine.