Uwajima Updates 30: Century of Persistence And What We Can Learn from It

Uwajima Updates 30: Century of Persistence And What We Can Learn from It

Masaki Seike

Standing in front of San Gabriel Nursery & Florist where Mr.S used to work

The other day, San Gabriel Nursery & Florist, a former overseas agricultural training destination, sent me 100th anniversary goods and articles introduced in local newspapers through my seniors. 

In the document written about history, I was touched on the overseas agricultural trainees involved in SGN, and I am deeply moved to think that I was also a part of the 100th anniversary when I worked as a trainee in 1984-86. 

SGN has now reduced its management scale, and unfortunately the acceptance of agricultural trainees from Japan has ended. But when I think that former trainees who have learned a lot here are now working in Japan and the world, I realize that it is important to set their own goals and continue diligently even if they are small at first glance.

More about San Gabriel Nursery & Florist, please visit:



A weekly segment to update Uwajima City with something new every week. There are three parts in this segment and including:

-Uwajima QuestionsA weekly Text Message Cultural & Communication Exchange segment with Students from Uwajima Minami Secondary School & CSTOYS' worldwide customers.

-Heroes Within: Irregular Video interviews with Uwajima NPO Center, introducing Local Event introductions & activity reports.

-Uwajima Business Updates: An Irregular segment introducing the current state of cross-border EC and Shopify updates for Uwajima people.

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